Thursday, September 27, 2012

Benjamin's Modeling Portraits

Benjamin is considering acting and modeling as a career. He recently was able to get some headshots for his agent.

Olivia Senior Favorites

Olivia was able to have some fun and get some remarkable senior images from her session!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Abbie and Matt book me to photograph their wedding

Abbie and Matt wanted to book me to tell the story of their wedding in June 2013. We did a maternity shoot for them earlier this year and were glad they selected Artie Rawls Photography with over 25 years of wedding photojournalism experience to document their day of celebration. Rather than trust someone who
is inexperienced and posing as a storyteller with bad tones and images with no meaning that fail to score more than a 5 or 6 on a scale of 10. We aspire for 8-10. As artists it's about great photography to bad we
have to charge for it to stay in business. Remember if you are a new wedding photographer charge what the work is worth not under charge to get work because in the long run you won't have anything to show for it

except that you worked for free.

Compton Wedding Album Orders near Completion

Astrid wrote : " You did an amazing job! One of the reasons it was so hard to pick or narrow down the number of images for the album.
Thanks for your hard work,


Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas

Just finished a commercial publicity event shoot for FHLBD in Hattiesburg,MS. The bank was donating $2000 for new potential new homeowners to take a course through the Housing Alternatives of Hattiesburg a non profit organization helping people qualify for home loans. Two representatives from the bank and others involved on the committee and The First Bank of Hattiesburg were in attendance. The images will be
used for a publicity blitz, publication and website for the Dallas bank.