Saturday, September 13, 2008

Destination Weddings

There has been a trend in the last couple of years to plan destination weddings. Whether in the Tropics or Europe or in the Continental US. they are becoming more common. Remember to
not settle for the local photographer in the destination area but look locally. We will travel to these destinations with some added travel expenses included. Now we are working regional destinations like Mobile, Jackson, Natchez, New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Professional Photographers of America Print Competition Winner

My print "Pink Beauty" was recently accepted in the International Print Competition for the Loan Collection which is the best of the best prints selected for display. The image will be featured in the loan collection book. It is always good to compete to better yourself and get inspired. Those who don't will see less of an artistic accomplishment in their work.

Even when you don't win you learn from the experience.