Monday, March 21, 2011

Wedding Photographers

As you know there is an elephant in the room. Many People have taken up wedding and portrait photography as a source of income in the past few years. Most have been attracted to this profession because it is easier for a new photographer to take pictures without knowing much about a camera, posing or lighting. Also there is an abundance of information on the internet. This is all great except that there is an overabundance of photographers. Many who are undercharging and not operating like a ligitimate business. I would encourage any new photographers to aspire to be great. Learn about lighting, how your equipment works, business practices and marketing. Work to earn the word professional. Join national organizations like
Professional Photographers of America and Wedding Portrait Photographers International to improve your work and not lessen the profession of photography. A photography profession is more than having a camera, computer and website and taking pretty pictures.Good Luck

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